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​Discussing Disturbance-Ready Restoration

Session Introduction

Session Intro
How can we cultivate Disturbance-Ready Restoration _in Hawaiʻi_.png



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Before Extreme Climate Events (ECEs)

Actions that may generate resiliency to in a restoration site before an Extreme Climate Event

After Extreme Climate Events (ECEs)

Actions that help an maintain ecosystem function after an ECE


Barriers to implementing any of the restoration actions previously described.

Maladaptive Practices

Practices that may be not useful in the face of ECEs, or even considered maladaptive--as opposed to generating resiliency before/after ECEs

Follow-up Questions:

Follow-up Questions

[In progress]

  1. What actions were common among a disturbance/unique to a disturbance?

  2. Within a disturbance, what adaptation actions were the same for before and after, and which ones were unique to their temporal context (conducted either before OR after).

  3. Was there contradicting information across disturbance type regarding adaptive practices--where there practices that were considered maladaptive for one disturbance but adaptive for another?

  4. What barriers to implementation were common across disturbance types, and which were unique?

  5. Any other emergent themes

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